Hedera & RedSwan.io Trailblaze To Facilitate High Liquidity Real Estate Transactions

High-Liquidity Real Estate


This month, I had the honor and pleasure of sitting down with the RedSwan.io team including Founder, Ed Nwokedi, in Houston, TX. The retreat was held in Midtown at the Ion, right in the heart of Houston’s innovation district. One of the most compelling aspects of this experience was gaining deeper insights into the mechanics and rationale behind some of their pivotal partnerships. How is this global real estate team leveling the playing field for high-liquidity real estate investments through blockchain without the massive transaction fees that typically burden buyers and sellers?


Hedera with the tag line: Hello Future, led by Shayne Higdon, emerged as a standout. Hedera, a Web3 application, facilitates transactions for real-world asset tokenization (securitization) . Being a decentralized platform with a distributed ledger, Hedera can process and finalize transactions in around 3.4 seconds—at a fraction of the cost compared to its peers. This efficiency removes the delays traditionally associated with transaction finalization, enabling more transactions to occur faster and with greater ease. One of the most significant takeaways was the team’s initial hesitation to adopt open-source code to avoid mass forking which helps reduce the noise. However, with safeguards in place to minimize forking, their open-source, permissionless network has seen rapid adoption. This openness lowers the barrier to entry for opportunities such as real estate investment transactions for a fraction of the cost and at will speeds.


Some of Hedera’s strongest partnerships include working with Deloitte to verify ESG and environmental impact claims, which can help curb greenwashing and enhance meaningful carbon reduction efforts. Hedera is also utilized in financial services applications, including not just RedSwan, but consulting for IBM.

So, how does Hedera benefit? The answer lies in fixed fees. By securing the platform with governance similar to Visa’s but without making it inaccessible, Hedera has focused on refining processes that others have yet to develop. With just under 200,000 transactions every 24 hours, Hedera is poised to thrive with a superior and cleaner product.


It was thrilling to hear how RedSwan and Hedera’s founder are making waves in real estate transactions. RedSwan has over $9B in assets trading. Soon to be included is a recent international fund set to go live in a few months. The high-liquidity aspect allows investors to hold their portion of each real estate asset for just one (1) year, per SEC regulations – yes RedSwan is SEC-regulated – for private companies. After that, investors can release their holdings into a secondary market on the RedSwan platform and explore a myriad of new high-liquidity real estate investment opportunities. While this opportunity is currently available only to institutional and accredited investors, these real estate assets have been thoroughly vetted by professionals, providing the type of transparency that investors seek. At this time, the platform is focused on Core and Core Plus assets but also welcomes new opportunities from property owners looking to refinance without renegotiating with institutional backers. 


Last but not least, Ed, finalized the event with the Tech & Tequila event hosted by Blue People in the heart of downtown about what benefits real estate tokenization brings potential investors. Log onto the RedSwan.io site and review the portfolio with ease. If you want real insight into investments even from a family office perspective this is worth the time.