
Hi, I’m Zena, a fun-loving former ex-pat of 20+ years. Born in California, I have lived in four (4) countries, two (2) states and have visited over twenty-five (25) foreign nations. Currently, I work in property technology (proptech) for a global commercial real estate firm. I am also a Masters of Professional Studies in Real Estate (MPRE) candidate with a graduation date of Summer of 2023. In addition, I make and sell original digital art that is framed and shipped right to my clients. You can learn more about my art here.

This site was born out of the need to engage about art, wellbeing, and the new space we find ourselves in post-covid. That includes Web 3.0. What is this site? It is a little of everything, a break from Facebook/social media, and a look into experiential moments worth sharing. This curated site matches my cooking style. It is a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Some of the influences you will find here are from the Artist’s Way Workbook  by Julia Cameron, my own experiences, and collaborative efforts among friends globally. There is a saying that if you are not using your creative self, the path to happiness will be stiffled. 

Throughout your stay on this site, keep in mind that I have no formal training in website dev or management – yes this is all a fun experiment! 

Enjoy the experience, and again, welcome to the Third Culture Kid! What is a third culture kid? Check out this page where I tell you all about it.

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A creative, critical, and analytical mind meet at a popular watering hole looking for their friend heart coherence…

– Zena T.P. Williams