Welcome to Third Culture Kid’s Homepage

Third Culture Kid HOU-STON will engage you on a range of topics. 

I’m leaning into partnerships with Space Montrose who supports local artists through their online and brick and mortar shop, Rayven Moore of Houston Drip Factory (HDF) and Jordan Foy of Foy Fashion Files

Tentatively find Third Culture Kid with HDF and Jordan Foy of Foy Fashion Files, at the Montrose Market (Next to Pavement) on July 23, 2023 and July 30th, 2023 from 12:00 – 5:00 PM. – Houston, TX.

Real Estate Digitization

    • Check out the latest installment with the founder of RedSwan.ioEd Nwokedi (17 years + of CRE experience in capital markets), which has grown significantly – according to their investor deck Redswan.io is facilitating transactions of $4B + in assets. Also, read more about the why and what of tokenized (digitized) real estate for fractional ownership here.
Zena T.P. Williams

Master's Candidate at Georgetown U. | Artist | Proptech/ Commercial Real Estate Professional | Former Expat (20 + yrs) | Traveler
